Quality representation of local governmental bodies is the result of knowledge, economy and hard work, coupled with sensitivity to the unique character, needs and goals of the individual communities we serve – it’s a balance of expertise and confidence, tempered with common sense. This fundamental principle provides the core value for our Civil Rights and Municipal Law Practice. We have successfully represented government entities in a wide range of civil litigation matters, including the following:
- Civil rights (42 USC §1983 and §1985)
- First Amendment claims
- General liability
- Governmental immunity
- Government vehicle accidents
- Police misconduct
- Public buildings
- Sewer liability
- School law
- Employment issues
- Drafting, interpretation, and enforcement of ordinances and charters
- Facilitation of public works, including bidding, contracts, bonds, construction monitoring, and disputes
- Review and preparation of municipal policies
- Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act compliance
- Code Enforcement

Palmer v Allen, et al.
This Federal Court trial included allegations of excessive force against the Defendant City and multiple officers. Many of the allegations were captured on videotape, including allegations of being tased in excess of 30 times. After a two week trial in Federal Court, the jury returned a unanimous verdict in favor of Defendants in less than one hour.
Crouch v The City of Inkster
In this case, an African-American Plaintiff alleged theories of police brutality against the white arresting officer. Despite a predominately African-American jury, Defendant received a no cause. As Plaintiff rejected the Case Evaluation Award in the case of $35,000, a Motion for Taxation of Costs and Case Evaluation Sanctions was filed in favor of our client for a value in excess of $20,000.
Diedo v Twardzik
This was a five-week Circuit Court trial wherein Plaintiff alleged excessive force, among other claims, against our client, an off-duty police officer. Plaintiff requested the jury award him in excess of $54 million. After the successful jury verdict, our client actually received a Judgment against Plaintiff following a Motion for Costs of almost $400,000.
Jones v City of Inkster
The Defendant police officers admitted conducting a drug raid on the wrong house. Instead of raiding a drug house, the police officers raided the dwelling of an elderly couple with longtime ties with City of Inkster’s community. As a result of the raid, Plaintiffs suffered physical injuries. Although we admitted Defendants made a mistake in this case, we argued the mistake did not rise to the level of gross negligence. After a two-week trial, the jury returned a verdict of no cause of action, finding Defendants were not grossly negligent.
Cole v JSC Corp.
The case involved claims Plaintiff was falsely imprisoned by a gas station, while he was purchasing gas. Plaintiff’s last demand before trial was $7,500. Defendant’s last offer was $1,000. After a two-day trial, the jury returned a verdict of no cause of action in favor of Defendant.